
IoT applications deployed at the customer's site

在全球超过百万的安装实例,Niagara Framework正迅速成为物联网的操作系统

With more than 1 million installed instances worldwide, Niagara framework is rapidly becoming the operating system of the Internet of things


Its open API, proprietary deployment mode and open agreements provide clients with the freedom to data integration, data compliance, and choose how to build contents at client's server.

Niagara Framework使您能够连接和控制设备,规范化、可视化和分析来自任何位置、任何设备和系统中的数据,并实现所有数据与互联网隔离,安全保存在客户办公室

Niagara framework enables you to connect and control devices, standarize, visualize and analyze data from any location, any device and system. All data are not exposed at Internet and securely stored at Client's office. 


Smart IoT APP


Intelligent Office Environment System




Work Station Management System


One stop integrated digital lightning, audio and video, air conditioning, fresh air, IT room environment, energy consumption, meeting room reservation, space occupation, security access control and data analysis system, providing web login, cloud service and third-party data interface
Station and office occupancy statistics & daily report


VRV Centralized Control System And Cloud Platform​


​EnOcean Space Occupancy Monitoring


Save more than 30% of the electricity cost of VRV system, only need to connect to the controller via web page. The system supports multiple VRV brands and facilitate the fast deployment, and user can manage multiple projects
Restroom occupancy statistics, door opening and closing records, wireless & battery free locker


Environmental Monitoring And ​Linkage Algorithm


IT Machine Room Environmental Control System


IT Data Center CRAC round automatic control, power and environmental monitoring, fire control and access control linkage, real-time alarm

​Automatic integration between:IAQ monitor (VOC/PM2.5) and filtration system ,CO2 and ventilation system,Temperatu​​re & humidity and HVAC system,Human centric setting


elitedali Digital Lighting System


      Cloud Platform And Third-Party ​Data Connection

步到客户私有云、支持SQL等数据库、支持xml等第三方API、支持​   MQTT短消息、Web网页登录、报警及数据邮件

​会议室场景控制、 双色温节律照明、 日光采集
Synchronize data to client's private cloud, support SQL and other databases, XML and other third-party APIs,  MQTT messages, web GUI, alarm and data reports
Conference room scene control, circadian rhythm lighting, daylight harvesting algorithm deployment